CHALK about it. Let's get at it shall we?

CHALK about it.  Let's get at it shall we?
CHALK about it. Let's get at it, shall we? - (Copyright 2012 / Izzy Herriette & Co) - So, we have our chalk. Now all we need is the board to write on. For me, an entire wall of blackboard would do perfectly! You've seen those in homes, today. Right? Oh, yes! Urban style! Moves me! I'm sure I could do all of my walls like that and make plenty good use of every inch! I can almost inhale, even now with anticipation, the "invitation" to express myself - everywhere - no limitations in filling all those spaces! Just the thought! So this is our OPENING and we hope to share much here with you on this imaginary black surface. Bring your chalk, your board, and take a few notes as we... Oh, and BTW, see all the folks moving in the background here? I wonder if while they're traveling through their daily life, they'll hear us, or our message. If I were to stand, somehow above this crowd with a loud voice, and shout out what things we will write; would they even notice? If those same walls we described, were set up before them for the sole purpose of penning out a word or two to them, would they see it? Help me with that! Chalk it out here on the Izzy Herriette & Co - Blog!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Yourself ... on display!

These, as you can see for yourself, are "some of those" forms of "chalking' it out" in homes today. It's a huge designer TREND, now days. I happen to adore it, myself, since I was one always turned on by the chalkboards in our schools, growing up. I view them as "charming"!

These boards in homes are multi-funcuntional, serving divers purposes, depending upon their owners.  Some use them for important reminders, places for organizational thoughts for business. Some would use them more for the casual, quirky, humorous messages to family members, as a means of encouragement and a lifting up for the day. Children doodle and create on these black surfaces, allowing their imaginations to be visualized before their viewers, their fantasies displayed and brought to life for all to see! All manner of messages can be found and read upon these "chalky surfaces".

I wonder what's on your board today, if you had one and were willing to etch your message there? Who are you? Have you decided yet? What type of person are you? What exactly characterizes you; defines you? I see characterization in these boards posted above; they reveal and tell a story of those who live and function in close proximity.

Life can be many things to us. We encounter change throughout our lives. Seasons that come and go. Our focuses in life will be different at different times, as our circumstances will demand it to be so, depending on where we are and what's happening at the time.

It's wonderful to know that God has a Word for every season of our lives. Every Word in His written Word, will at some point in time, bring hope, healing, deliverance, strength, joy, grace, knowledge, wisdom, understanding and promise that we need.

No matter who you are today, how life finds you, remember that it's okay to be there as long as you allow the LORD to be there with you, in the midst of it.

I pray that you find the FREEDOM, in Him, to be who you need to be in every situation and time in your life and to do it without fear, apprehension or any other negative forces to interfere. Live confidently and boldly before Him and man, displaying your designer self before the world, just as those "chalking' it out" on those fabulous black spaces.

Bravely pick up your chalk-stick today and begin to create, sharing your story, your way!!

Live in the fulness of the newness of LIFE that you possess in Him. Amen

Chalkin' it out with ...

Izzy Herriette & Co

Friday, November 1, 2013

A Clarion Call ...

(I have posted this in several locations, this morning, that this "word" might reach as many as possible. If you've seen it in numerous of those places, please, rather than being irritated, PRAY that many will RECEIVE. Thank you! God bless what His Spirit has revealed. May it go forth and find many "hearers". Amen)

This morning, MEDITATING after the leading of the Spirit, upon how the Word of God is received when ministered. I have, through the years, encountered so many unique, glorious, interesting and sometimes shocking experiences with this in people.

God's work is an amazing wonderment!! To DELIVER His Word and to be the bystander, watching the multiple reactions, well, it is profound and intriguing. Many times, it has been heart wrenching, particularly in those situations where ones on their death bed have refused Jesus. Yet, the hope was within me, that in their own private moment alone, before that final moment, prayerfully they would be able to connect with Him on their own. Prayerfully there was a private, sweet surrender for them, where it was just Jesus and them.

Today, I know that every one of us likes to think that God's Word is met with FULL OPENNESS in our own individual life with Him. I am speaking, now, to those of us already born-again.

Can I tell you that this morning, He revealed to me (for myself as well) that many times we are not as open as we think, in certain areas. This is what HE WAS SPEAKING TO ME. He went on to say that He is the gentleman and that if we truly seek Him in a way that causes us to ask Him with our whole heart, "LORD, search me, see if there be any wicked (twisted/oppositional) way in me and lead me into the way everlasting!"; if we are doing that with Him, He WILL bring us where we need to be with His Word. However, there can be times, when we are WRANGLING with His will for our lives and we're not even fully aware of it. There can be commands that we are in great struggle and difficulty with, places where He is requiring something of us, and the relinquishing of our own will has not yet been settled.



Thank you, Father, for your GREAT GRACE that will enable each of us to "lay down our lives" that we might "take up our cross, daily, and follow YOU!"

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven! Amen

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's a part of end-time fulfillment ...

Knowing full well that I have posted so much about this on our ministry Facebook pages as well as on our "Missions Page" of our Website, still I am compelled to share the intimate places and things of my heart, here with you today. ( and!blank/c1tlp)

I have been so very blessed over the past months, to have been invited to teach Pakistani Women's Conference and Bible College classes. I can't begin to tell you what goes on in my heart and spirit as I approach and then walk away from these times and with these "powerful" people of God. How many questions I have about them and how I'm drawn to a deeper relationship with them, which for them, might seem a bit "odd".

Our lives with Christ are about KNOWING Him first for ourselves and then SHARING Him with others. Sharing something we know about, NOT sharing by what we've heard, or by what we've read, yet OUTSIDE of a true, ongoing, live relationship with the ONE of whom we speak.

Sharing with Pakistan this morning in a Bible College Class: Just as Jesus knows them, so I desire to know them and not just to teach them. I know that there is so, so much that they could teach me, given the opportunity.

Oh, what a taste of GLORY DIVINE, to share and become ONE with those of His own, scattered over all parts of the earth!

I LOVE this scripture and I SENSE it's purpose and true meaning every time I'm asked and blessed with opportunity to be with these in Pakistan:

1 John 1:3 - That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us; and truly OUR FELLOWSHIP is with His Son, Jesus Christ.

LORD, BLESS those "knowing and making known" your REDEEMING LOVE in Pakistan! Amen!

As I ponder on all of these regions where there is such threat of war, where people's lives as Christians are being taken due to their faith and we are seeing the martyrdom that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 and in Revelation, it breaks my heart and causes the FIRE of GOD to be turned up to HIGH DEGREE on the inside of me! How much have I laid down in my own life - for Him? Could I withstand the threats to my faith, threats that ones in other parts of the world are truly forced to face with no other options available to them.

My friends, I want to call upon all of us in "this day" to AWAKEN, to recognize the hour and the day that is truly at hand and to support one another - AROUND THE GLOBE! Support comes through prayer and sincere communication in the faith of Jesus Christ. How we need one another in these times when the trials and struggles, the tests that come against our faith by the anti-Christ spirit which is at large and operating in a "new heat" are REAL and not just someone's imagination or hyped-up agenda.

I encourage you to look around at the world today. Get before the LORD and ask Him to create within you "His mind" about the day in which you are living. I know what He will show you and I pray that you will be BOLD AND COURAGEOUS to pick up your cross and carry it proudly and in the love of Christ, wherever He leads you.

Remember, our days are numbered and only what we do for the LORD, after His leading and instruction, will matter when all is said and done.

God richly bless you, until the next time we come together to "chalk it all out"! Amen

Ps 90:12 -  So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

1 Cor 3:13 - Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.

Chalkin' it out with ...

Izzy Herriette & Co

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Oh, dear! For as much as I love to talk, I have put myself in a position of NOT talking where I committed to do so. Looking at the last date on this blog ...

We've been busy with new projects and website restructure and family and Trunk Treasures and a few travels in between for television recordings ...

None of which are good enough for excuses not to fulfill responsibilities that I created for myself!

I LOVE sharing about the LORD and all of the reality of HIM in my life. We've had a true history together, thus far and one that is moving to an all new stage, presently, seeing as I'm getting around the bend in age.

There is such a rich treasure of experience with Him all along the way. My treasure chest is busting at the seams with those "eternal jewels sparkling"! He has done such marvelous things in my life. He's planted so many beautiful gifts, by His Spirit! I am a stewart over all of those wonders: family, children, grandchildren, people of God; the music He's given me, teachings, a book; visions, dreams, divine utterances; creative ideas! HE IS A GOOD AND ABUNDANT GOD!!

Today, I wanted to take a moment (finally) on this blog, to reach out to you and to encourage you in your walk with HIM! I want to express to you the OPPORTUNITY that He lays before each of us, in Him, to do what I've always taught: go for the pressing in for the pressing out!

What does that mean?

It simply means that you are going to get from God, what you want, as you press in to learn from Him. To learn OF Him. To learn HIM! He is just waiting for your fellowship, which is directed and instructed by your knowledge of His written Word. He wants you to "dig in", to go after that treasure, to seek and find, to knock and have it opened unto you! Nothing satisfies Him more than to have you pursue Him and all that He longs to open up to you, as His own child.

This is the "greatest adventure" anyone can have in life. Nothing on earth compares. No amount of money, material gain, prestige, power and the list goes on; can bring the life that's available in Christ Jesus! God doesn't deny us those things. As a matter of fact, you will come to be amazed at how much He wants for you and how much more He will bring to you, as you're putting your life in His hands - everyday.

If you have unfulfilled desires in your heart today ...
If you haven't attained unto that "thing" that stirs in you continually ...
If you're not completely in LOVE with LIFE ...
If you're dissatisfied with every day that is yours ...

Please, today I encourage you, I lift you up to the Father my friend and I pray for you that God will reach out to you in a special way. I pray that He will remove the blinders from your eyes and the hardness from your heart that life may have created there. God will LOVE you in a way unimaginable to you. He is not a "flesh" entity. His LOVE is magnificent for you. He cherishes you. He gave His own Son for you! And don't forget that He created man! We did not create ourselves.

Won't you draw nigh to Him today. Won't you take just a few steps closer to learn what you may have been missing all along.

Many of you will RUN to Him! Oh, how that BLESSES HIM! His heart, daily, yearns for you to see Him, to recognize His love for you and to give Him the chance to show you who He really is.

Go, my friends. Don't hesitate another minute. When you have found that "place" with Him, you'll KNOW IT! You won't be able to stay away from Him. You'll have to have more and more and more! And He withholds NO GOOD THING from His own.

Go today. My prayers are with you, before Him.

Come back and share with me, if you've found something new! I would love to hear all about it. It would bring me the GREATEST JOY!

Our love to each of you today!

~ Izzy Herriette & Co ~