CHALK about it. Let's get at it shall we?

CHALK about it.  Let's get at it shall we?
CHALK about it. Let's get at it, shall we? - (Copyright 2012 / Izzy Herriette & Co) - So, we have our chalk. Now all we need is the board to write on. For me, an entire wall of blackboard would do perfectly! You've seen those in homes, today. Right? Oh, yes! Urban style! Moves me! I'm sure I could do all of my walls like that and make plenty good use of every inch! I can almost inhale, even now with anticipation, the "invitation" to express myself - everywhere - no limitations in filling all those spaces! Just the thought! So this is our OPENING and we hope to share much here with you on this imaginary black surface. Bring your chalk, your board, and take a few notes as we... Oh, and BTW, see all the folks moving in the background here? I wonder if while they're traveling through their daily life, they'll hear us, or our message. If I were to stand, somehow above this crowd with a loud voice, and shout out what things we will write; would they even notice? If those same walls we described, were set up before them for the sole purpose of penning out a word or two to them, would they see it? Help me with that! Chalk it out here on the Izzy Herriette & Co - Blog!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Oh, dear! For as much as I love to talk, I have put myself in a position of NOT talking where I committed to do so. Looking at the last date on this blog ...

We've been busy with new projects and website restructure and family and Trunk Treasures and a few travels in between for television recordings ...

None of which are good enough for excuses not to fulfill responsibilities that I created for myself!

I LOVE sharing about the LORD and all of the reality of HIM in my life. We've had a true history together, thus far and one that is moving to an all new stage, presently, seeing as I'm getting around the bend in age.

There is such a rich treasure of experience with Him all along the way. My treasure chest is busting at the seams with those "eternal jewels sparkling"! He has done such marvelous things in my life. He's planted so many beautiful gifts, by His Spirit! I am a stewart over all of those wonders: family, children, grandchildren, people of God; the music He's given me, teachings, a book; visions, dreams, divine utterances; creative ideas! HE IS A GOOD AND ABUNDANT GOD!!

Today, I wanted to take a moment (finally) on this blog, to reach out to you and to encourage you in your walk with HIM! I want to express to you the OPPORTUNITY that He lays before each of us, in Him, to do what I've always taught: go for the pressing in for the pressing out!

What does that mean?

It simply means that you are going to get from God, what you want, as you press in to learn from Him. To learn OF Him. To learn HIM! He is just waiting for your fellowship, which is directed and instructed by your knowledge of His written Word. He wants you to "dig in", to go after that treasure, to seek and find, to knock and have it opened unto you! Nothing satisfies Him more than to have you pursue Him and all that He longs to open up to you, as His own child.

This is the "greatest adventure" anyone can have in life. Nothing on earth compares. No amount of money, material gain, prestige, power and the list goes on; can bring the life that's available in Christ Jesus! God doesn't deny us those things. As a matter of fact, you will come to be amazed at how much He wants for you and how much more He will bring to you, as you're putting your life in His hands - everyday.

If you have unfulfilled desires in your heart today ...
If you haven't attained unto that "thing" that stirs in you continually ...
If you're not completely in LOVE with LIFE ...
If you're dissatisfied with every day that is yours ...

Please, today I encourage you, I lift you up to the Father my friend and I pray for you that God will reach out to you in a special way. I pray that He will remove the blinders from your eyes and the hardness from your heart that life may have created there. God will LOVE you in a way unimaginable to you. He is not a "flesh" entity. His LOVE is magnificent for you. He cherishes you. He gave His own Son for you! And don't forget that He created man! We did not create ourselves.

Won't you draw nigh to Him today. Won't you take just a few steps closer to learn what you may have been missing all along.

Many of you will RUN to Him! Oh, how that BLESSES HIM! His heart, daily, yearns for you to see Him, to recognize His love for you and to give Him the chance to show you who He really is.

Go, my friends. Don't hesitate another minute. When you have found that "place" with Him, you'll KNOW IT! You won't be able to stay away from Him. You'll have to have more and more and more! And He withholds NO GOOD THING from His own.

Go today. My prayers are with you, before Him.

Come back and share with me, if you've found something new! I would love to hear all about it. It would bring me the GREATEST JOY!

Our love to each of you today!

~ Izzy Herriette & Co ~