Knowing full well that I have posted so much about this on our ministry Facebook pages as well as on our "Missions Page" of our Website, still I am compelled to share the intimate places and things of my heart, here with you today. ( and!blank/c1tlp)
I have been so very blessed over the past months, to have been invited to teach Pakistani Women's Conference and Bible College classes. I can't begin to tell you what goes on in my heart and spirit as I approach and then walk away from these times and with these "powerful" people of God. How many questions I have about them and how I'm drawn to a deeper relationship with them, which for them, might seem a bit "odd".
Our lives with Christ are about KNOWING Him first for ourselves and then SHARING Him with others. Sharing something we know about, NOT sharing by what we've heard, or by what we've read, yet OUTSIDE of a true, ongoing, live relationship with the ONE of whom we speak.
Sharing with Pakistan this morning in a Bible College Class: Just as Jesus knows them, so I desire to know them and not just to teach them. I know that there is so, so much that they could teach me, given the opportunity.
Oh, what a taste of GLORY DIVINE, to share and become ONE with those of His own, scattered over all parts of the earth!
I LOVE this scripture and I SENSE it's purpose and true meaning every time I'm asked and blessed with opportunity to be with these in Pakistan:
1 John 1:3 - That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us; and truly OUR FELLOWSHIP is with His Son, Jesus Christ.
LORD, BLESS those "knowing and making known" your REDEEMING LOVE in Pakistan! Amen!
As I ponder on all of these regions where there is such threat of war, where people's lives as Christians are being taken due to their faith and we are seeing the martyrdom that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 and in Revelation, it breaks my heart and causes the FIRE of GOD to be turned up to HIGH DEGREE on the inside of me! How much have I laid down in my own life - for Him? Could I withstand the threats to my faith, threats that ones in other parts of the world are truly forced to face with no other options available to them.
My friends, I want to call upon all of us in "this day" to AWAKEN, to recognize the hour and the day that is truly at hand and to support one another - AROUND THE GLOBE! Support comes through prayer and sincere communication in the faith of Jesus Christ. How we need one another in these times when the trials and struggles, the tests that come against our faith by the anti-Christ spirit which is at large and operating in a "new heat" are REAL and not just someone's imagination or hyped-up agenda.
I encourage you to look around at the world today. Get before the LORD and ask Him to create within you "His mind" about the day in which you are living. I know what He will show you and I pray that you will be BOLD AND COURAGEOUS to pick up your cross and carry it proudly and in the love of Christ, wherever He leads you.
Remember, our days are numbered and only what we do for the LORD, after His leading and instruction, will matter when all is said and done.
God richly bless you, until the next time we come together to "chalk it all out"! Amen
Ps 90:12 - So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
1 Cor 3:13 - Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
Chalkin' it out with ...
Izzy Herriette & Co