CHALK about it. Let's get at it shall we?

CHALK about it.  Let's get at it shall we?
CHALK about it. Let's get at it, shall we? - (Copyright 2012 / Izzy Herriette & Co) - So, we have our chalk. Now all we need is the board to write on. For me, an entire wall of blackboard would do perfectly! You've seen those in homes, today. Right? Oh, yes! Urban style! Moves me! I'm sure I could do all of my walls like that and make plenty good use of every inch! I can almost inhale, even now with anticipation, the "invitation" to express myself - everywhere - no limitations in filling all those spaces! Just the thought! So this is our OPENING and we hope to share much here with you on this imaginary black surface. Bring your chalk, your board, and take a few notes as we... Oh, and BTW, see all the folks moving in the background here? I wonder if while they're traveling through their daily life, they'll hear us, or our message. If I were to stand, somehow above this crowd with a loud voice, and shout out what things we will write; would they even notice? If those same walls we described, were set up before them for the sole purpose of penning out a word or two to them, would they see it? Help me with that! Chalk it out here on the Izzy Herriette & Co - Blog!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Yourself ... on display!

These, as you can see for yourself, are "some of those" forms of "chalking' it out" in homes today. It's a huge designer TREND, now days. I happen to adore it, myself, since I was one always turned on by the chalkboards in our schools, growing up. I view them as "charming"!

These boards in homes are multi-funcuntional, serving divers purposes, depending upon their owners.  Some use them for important reminders, places for organizational thoughts for business. Some would use them more for the casual, quirky, humorous messages to family members, as a means of encouragement and a lifting up for the day. Children doodle and create on these black surfaces, allowing their imaginations to be visualized before their viewers, their fantasies displayed and brought to life for all to see! All manner of messages can be found and read upon these "chalky surfaces".

I wonder what's on your board today, if you had one and were willing to etch your message there? Who are you? Have you decided yet? What type of person are you? What exactly characterizes you; defines you? I see characterization in these boards posted above; they reveal and tell a story of those who live and function in close proximity.

Life can be many things to us. We encounter change throughout our lives. Seasons that come and go. Our focuses in life will be different at different times, as our circumstances will demand it to be so, depending on where we are and what's happening at the time.

It's wonderful to know that God has a Word for every season of our lives. Every Word in His written Word, will at some point in time, bring hope, healing, deliverance, strength, joy, grace, knowledge, wisdom, understanding and promise that we need.

No matter who you are today, how life finds you, remember that it's okay to be there as long as you allow the LORD to be there with you, in the midst of it.

I pray that you find the FREEDOM, in Him, to be who you need to be in every situation and time in your life and to do it without fear, apprehension or any other negative forces to interfere. Live confidently and boldly before Him and man, displaying your designer self before the world, just as those "chalking' it out" on those fabulous black spaces.

Bravely pick up your chalk-stick today and begin to create, sharing your story, your way!!

Live in the fulness of the newness of LIFE that you possess in Him. Amen

Chalkin' it out with ...

Izzy Herriette & Co