CHALK about it. Let's get at it shall we?

CHALK about it.  Let's get at it shall we?
CHALK about it. Let's get at it, shall we? - (Copyright 2012 / Izzy Herriette & Co) - So, we have our chalk. Now all we need is the board to write on. For me, an entire wall of blackboard would do perfectly! You've seen those in homes, today. Right? Oh, yes! Urban style! Moves me! I'm sure I could do all of my walls like that and make plenty good use of every inch! I can almost inhale, even now with anticipation, the "invitation" to express myself - everywhere - no limitations in filling all those spaces! Just the thought! So this is our OPENING and we hope to share much here with you on this imaginary black surface. Bring your chalk, your board, and take a few notes as we... Oh, and BTW, see all the folks moving in the background here? I wonder if while they're traveling through their daily life, they'll hear us, or our message. If I were to stand, somehow above this crowd with a loud voice, and shout out what things we will write; would they even notice? If those same walls we described, were set up before them for the sole purpose of penning out a word or two to them, would they see it? Help me with that! Chalk it out here on the Izzy Herriette & Co - Blog!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

In my time with the LORD this morning, I was reminded once again of how the LORD is so MARVELOUS at reconstructing our lives. Many today desire drastic change in their physical appearance and thus they seek out reconstructive surgeons to do the job. When your life is just seemingly not what you feel like it should be, what you desire it to be, when things are just not jelling together, not going in the direction you want them to and you don't seem to find the power, strength, ability or wisdom to cause it all to change? What do you do? 

I recall when God took my disheveled, mess of a life and put His hand upon it. He changed my course and direction. With that came "life" like I'd never known it before. I wasn't just walking in a "new plan" but that plan, now, because it was implemented, designed and created by Him, brought with it "new life" for me. Everything I touched, everywhere I went, everything I saw, everything was filled with a heavenly substance, a knowing that it was Kingdom of God I was now walking and living in. The drudgery turned to excitement, joy, peace and anticipation! Amazing, miraculous, awesome what our God can do, once given the opportunity, room, space and power to do so. That ball, my friends, is in our court as they say. 
Today, won't you come to the One who has all power to create? Look at the heavens, the earth, all the complexities of life, including yourself. Do you not think that He can come into your life and be creative? What release and relief comes, when we begin to cast our everything upon Him. All of our future, our plans, dreams, hopes and desires. He WILL fulfill them, as we come and learn how to live our lives in concert with Him. 
Will you do it, today? Could today be the day that you actually step out to trust Him with your all? Everything that means anything to you in life, will be made far greater, enhanced with new life, once you place it all in His care and in His hands of extraordinary power. God is all wisdom and understanding. His resources are just a little beyond yours, don't you think? When you give yourself a chance to really ponder it, you have to conclude that His beckoning to you, is beyond imagination. The creator of all things, wants to know you? He wants to help you in this life. He wants to reveal Himself and all of His heavenly resources to you. 
I pray you'll consider it, today. Then take a step beyond "consideration", not putting if off any longer, not delaying an amazing opportunity but just saying, "Yes, LORD! I want you. I need you. Thank you for desiring me! Take my life, today. Reconstruct it, LORD. Allow me to see You and to see what You can and will do. Jesus, thank you for giving your life, that I might be able to speak with, learn about and come to be one with the FATHER! Do your miraculous work in me. Teach me. Here I am! Amen