CHALK about it. Let's get at it shall we?

CHALK about it.  Let's get at it shall we?
CHALK about it. Let's get at it, shall we? - (Copyright 2012 / Izzy Herriette & Co) - So, we have our chalk. Now all we need is the board to write on. For me, an entire wall of blackboard would do perfectly! You've seen those in homes, today. Right? Oh, yes! Urban style! Moves me! I'm sure I could do all of my walls like that and make plenty good use of every inch! I can almost inhale, even now with anticipation, the "invitation" to express myself - everywhere - no limitations in filling all those spaces! Just the thought! So this is our OPENING and we hope to share much here with you on this imaginary black surface. Bring your chalk, your board, and take a few notes as we... Oh, and BTW, see all the folks moving in the background here? I wonder if while they're traveling through their daily life, they'll hear us, or our message. If I were to stand, somehow above this crowd with a loud voice, and shout out what things we will write; would they even notice? If those same walls we described, were set up before them for the sole purpose of penning out a word or two to them, would they see it? Help me with that! Chalk it out here on the Izzy Herriette & Co - Blog!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Posing for Positioning!

Years ago a wonderful man of God taught me that there are no "negative" thoughts with God. What? No negative thoughts?  Seriously?  I really couldn't even begin to imagine a life with no negativity!  Believing for good and not just in God but for good in and by God?  Too much!!  All new revelation of truth for me.

Yesterday morning in my prayer time and in His presence, He reminded me of this that I had learned so many years ago.  It was actually then (way back then) that I began to employ those principles in my life and saw such powerful results!  Thank you, LORD!  My entire life changed.

Through the years I've met so many Christians who have such difficulty entering into that reality in their Christian walk.  It is a fight of faith and a careful guarding of heart and mind, to keep one's self in proper place with believing, when surrounded by those who are in opposition to these truths.

For some reason, the Holy Spirit was speaking about this to me, (yesterday) and in this way:

"No negative thought!  Remember what that's like!  Only believing the positive outcomes! Consider the 'root words' of negative and positive and you will find a hidden message to empower."

Negate: To deny; negative; nullify.

Negation: The act of denying; a denial; the absence or opposite of what is actual, positive, or affirmative; also, a thing, or object of thought, consisting in the absence of thought, consisting in the absence of something positive; a negative thing; a nonentity.

Negative: Expressing or containing negation or denial; also, expressing refusal to do something; refusing consent, as to a proposal; involving or denoting subtraction.

Pose: To put or place; to lay down in words, asset, state, or propound. To assume or hold a position or attitude for some artistic purpose.

Posit: To place, put, or set; also, to lay down or assume as a fact or principle; affirm; postulate.

Position: To place, put, et down.  The act of placing of putting;; also, condition with reference to place; location or situation; hence, a place occupied or to be occupied, or a situation or site; a fortified position; proper or appropriate.

Positive: Arbitrarily laid down; determined by enactment or convention; also, explicitly laid down or expressed; admitting of no question; stated; express; definite; emphatic; also, confident in opinion or assertion, as a person; fully assured. Also, concerned with or based on matters of experience; practical; not speculative or theoretical; also, consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession, as opposed to the absence or want, of distinguishing or marked qualities or features.

Oh, yes!  To think in opposition to all the "goodness" of God is to negate everything he has promised, thus, negativity.  To believe in all that He has stated in his word to us, positions us and literally poses us for the corresponding outcome!  Oh, my!!

Enough said I think!

Chalkin' it out with you...

Here on imaginary black spaces.

Izzy Herriette & Co

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